A Nightmare!

Monday, March 06, 2006

They think of themselves as underdogs all the time. They feel like the whole world is against them. They feel like nobody agrees with them. And here's why...

1. They are fond of badmouthing their Mom and siblings in front of other people
2. She CURSED her own mother
3. She is never contented with what she has and to think she has a lot
4. They are full of lies...all the stories they hear, it's either they add or edit
to their advantage
5. They talk behind everyone's back
6. Her friends come and go, nobody sticks with her
7. She is the know it all type, she thinks she is right all the time
8. They are very competetive, that's why they are never contented
9. They are never loved by people close to their hearts
10. They are always the cause of trouble
11. They are never thankful of anything
12. Now they are PARANOIDS, because they chose to be one.

And the list continues...



I don't understand why some people can never be thankful of what you do. Instead, they'd badmouth you. It is indeed a sign of insecurity and guilt. While they were supposed to be here, they are nowhere to be found. And when they found out that you were there, willing to help and give support, they think less of you. They think that you are not capable of anything...May I just tell you, In your absence, I was there...why can you not be thankful??? Damn!

"If a little birdie in the sky dropped a poop in your eye, don't scream, don't cry. Just thank God that carabaos don't fly! Always thank God for small blessings!"


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