Just In Time for Halloween

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Time flies so fast and before we know it, it's Halloween! It's one of the favorite celebrated holidays of my kids. And why not? They get to go home with a basket full of goodies, candies, chips, chocolates, and drinks. And not to forget, they get to wear their favorite costumes. They have worn different costumes already because I allow them to choose a different one each time we go trick or treat. But I have a bit of a problem now, they are 13 and 11 and the ones being sold in the malls are like for small children.

Lucky me! I found Moon Costumes on the web. They not only sell costumes for kids but for adults too. Double lucky me! I can choose from their different styles too. Of course when I go trick or treat with my kids, I should be in costume too. I tell you it's a lot of fun. And would you believe they have costumes for pets too? Yay, we can bring along Smiley, our cutie pie shih tzu.

Mooncostumes.com has over 10,000 costumes and masks to choose from. Do you wanna go trick or treating looking like Barbie, a princess, a fairy? They have it all over at mooncostumes.com. To give you an idea how pretty their costumes are, here are some pictures.


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