Parents-Teachers Conference

Monday, July 16, 2007

I attended the scheduled PTC in school last Saturday. I was able to talk with the teachers of Isha. Generally, they say that they didn't have problems (academically) with my daughter, thank God. Some said that she was talkative in class therefore loses her concentration. I specifically like her Chi Teacher. She was like a mother to my daughter ( i guess all teachers should be this way, but sad to say they're not ). She explained to me why my daughter got a low score in one of the tests. She wanted to talk to me in the presence of my daughter so she could very well explain to Ish too that when her attention is being called, it's not because she wants to humiliate her in front of her classmates, but to correct her mistakes and admit that she committed it. I hope that everything will turn out good for Ish after the long talk we had with her teachers. At least now I'm aware of what she has been doing in school. Because most of the time, our children do not really tell us 100% of what has transpired in school. Good thing there's PTC every much as possible I don't want to miss any of it, so I'd be aware of my children's standing in class, not that they are hard to manange ^_^


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