The Magic Software

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

There was a point in my life where I'd go to bars just to listen to bands. I'd do it with my friends and we would just enjoy the night even with a beer or two. I haven't been to one lately, and I would like to experience it again. I heard that bands have improved a lot probably because of the help of software instruments. I went ahead and googled what software instruments are and I totally understood what it was by reading this komplete 8 ultimate review. Cool I must say because you don't need to add more instrument, you get it by using the software. No wonder we hear a lot of different sounds yet we only see the basic on stage.


I Wanna Make Some Beer

I am a little adventurous at home especially in the kitchen. I pretty much love to cook for the family. I find new stuff to do, I can reinvent some stuff if I want to, I can do my own version of some food too. One thing I don't really do are drinks. I should be adventurous when it comes to that too. I may have to start by looking into these beer making kits then maybe graduate into doing wine at home. Hhhmmm, let me give this some thought. I think it would be fun doing this.


Hope's 1st Birthday Party

Monday, December 10, 2012

Photobucket We attended a birthday party yesterday and it's truly amazing how parties are nowadays. I've been out of touch from kiddie party scenes since my two kids are already teenagers. Themes are more elaborate and truly beautiful. The performers are different too so are the games. There's not much magic show, well at least at the party I've been to. But I think the trend is like that nowadays. They do puppet shows, not the usual puppets. They have a soft puppet, a human puppet and a hard puppet, something like that. The party was fun because of all those stuff and not to forget the good food too.


I Need This Protection

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

How do you discard old gadgets whenever you go for an upgrade? I usually sell mine so that I will have extra money to fund the upgrade. I know of some people who sell theirs too. Did you know that you're giving away important data when you do so? I haven't really given this much thought. All I know is that once I trash everything, it will no longer be retrieved. This will only happen if you completely wipe hard drive. With this, no one has the capacity to retrieve whatever was trashed in your computers. Nice to have this kind of protection, right?


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