Pissed Off Big Time!

Monday, September 17, 2007

I just do not understand why there are still people who are ill-mannered and inconsiderate. At our wedding coverage yesterday, the couple hired two different teams of photographers. This is not the first time that we covered a wedding with 2 teams of photographers, but this is the first time I experienced such irresponsible photographer. I was elbowed, yes me, a frail photographer in my little black dress! How dare him! We were all lined up, ready to take photos of the couple, I was positioned in the right spot, and he was beside me. He probably wanted to exchange places with me, so he can take better pictures. But what the hell is that elbow for? This is not a do or die shot anyway! I may have forgiven you when you blocked my way twice or thrice, but this elbow thing? Man, we shall still see each other!

This is work, and remember we were both hired. Can you please at least give courtesy and show some respect next time, you are a photographer too and you wouldn't want this to happen, know how to play fair. Use your head, you can still take good pictures even in the sidelines you know!


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