Gold: A Wise Investment
Friday, April 30, 2010
Let me ask you a question, just a hypothetical one. If you receive a sum of money unexpectedly, how would you invest it? Hhmm, I know most of us haven't thought about that question. Did it ever come to mind that it's a wise decision to buy gold bullion? If you ask me, yes I would tell you that it's a wise decision. If you follow the gold price, never in it's history it went down. The price is always going up. What does this mean? For me it's a good investment. It preserves the wealth and the purchasing power. Gold has been an investment since the ancient times and up until now there's still a lot of people who prefer to invest in gold.
how I wish I could still invest something... sana I couls receive that sum of money unexpectedly hehe..
Ang mahal na bg gold cuz, gabeh:(
Wow I know gold is precious right?! It is a wise investment.
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