I'm No Cinderella...

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I'm no cinderella SHE says...i'm just doing household chores...

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Yes, i asked/forced her to wash the dishes today...and she goes why me? I had to explain to her that she should learn how to do household chores young as she is...she is not convinced...had to tell her that it's not everyday that we have helpers doing things for us...and to be able to run the household properly, she has to learn to do some chores, washing the dishes included...she's now a little convinced...i gave her an example of somebody we know who was not trained to do some household chores...now she was fully convinced...stood up from where she was seated and goes..."Mom how do i start doing it?"

I'm happy really that she did it, even if it took a lot of convincing...i remember the time when Mom used to tell us to do things at home even if we had helpers around...i remember being assigned to wash the dishes every lunchtime, even wash and iron clothes, clean the house, etc... I had the proper training i must say, if not, will i be able to run my household effectively today? Thank you Mom for teaching me, and thanks too to my 2 elder sisters for seeing to it that i did my part of the training...


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