Not Again

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

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Just as I am ready to talk about my father's death, another sad news reaches me. I got a friendster message from one of the cousins of a dear friend of mine, telling me that she passed away. I remember featuring her in this blog, i guess last year, because I so envied her body (a body to die for), and now she's gone, gone to be with her Lord and Saviour in heaven. I came to know her when my family moved to Manila and they were our neighbors. She was barely six then...I saw her grow up, blossoming into a pretty teener. We used to sleep, eat, hang out at each other's house. Then she left for the States when she was about 15, coming home to the Philippines only once in the late 90s. We only communicate thru emails and sms, but used to chat a lot...Noems until now I still cannot believe that you are gone, you may be gone but you will stay in my heart forever. To the family that she has left behind, my sincerest sympathy and condolences...we will all miss her, but she is now with our Lord in that perfect place called HEAVEN.

Read her story here. For some reasons, when you click on the link, the page redirects to the current date's news...just click on the local news archives, then click "Officials: woman, 33 dies before fire" or something like that.


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