Thank You Skype
Thursday, October 05, 2006
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I've downloaded skype in my laptop more than a year ago but didn't really get to use it until today. I talked with my friend Guigi who's in the states for about an hour (pc to pc), and it's really very clear, it was like she was just next door. That made me go into details how skype really works. I couldn't help but buy 10 euros worth of skype credits to be able to call a landline or a mobile anywhere in the world. I tried it with my sister a couple of minutes back, and know what? We talked for about 27 minutes and i paid like 24 pesos ($0.48), can you believe that? It's the cheapest by far, and it's really very clear compared to using a cellphone which can go choppy at times.
I know a lot of you know about skype already, but to those who haven't downloaded, feel free to do so(click on the logo above), it's really worth it, i tell you! It's the cheapest way of keeping in touch with friends and loved ones who are abroad, and it gets pretty exciting hearing their voice and all.
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