I Love San Diego

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

If you have plans of visiting the US, please include San Diego in your itinerary. I've been there in 2005 and I can say I like the place. Too bad we didn't have time to explore the whole place. I didn't get to see much, but with the little that I saw, I really appreciated the place. I find it scenic, with all the greens and everything. I promised myself that the next time I'll go visit the US, I'll make sure that I will definitely visit San Diego again. There are a lot of affordable San Diego CA hotel around, well that is if my friend cannot accommodate me.


Honest Scrap Award

Thursday, March 12, 2009

This award came as a surprise really. I got it from Q or Sunnysideup who I think is a friend of Kris. Thanks a lot Q.

Honest Scrap Award Rules:

When accepting this auspicious award, you must write a post bragging about it, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim, and link back to said person so everyone knows he or she is real.

Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or improvise by including bloggers who have no idea who you are because you don’t have 7 friends. Show the 7 random victims’ names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with “Honest Weblog.” Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon. List at least ten honest things about yourself. Then, pass it on!

Now, here is a list of 10 Honest Things about Me! :)

1. I am a jill of all trade, but master of none.
2. You can call me a copycat, not that I copy everything you do. I just get the inspiration from you.
3. I still do public transportation even if I have a car that can bring me anywhere I want.
4. I believe that I am kind at heart.
5. I love to people watch and sometimes laugh at them.
6. I hate to see couples doing PDA, especially if they're young.
7. I used to be a shopaholic, now I'm a rehabilitated shopaholic.
8. I'm a loyal friend. If my friend does not get along with someone, I won't get along with her too.
9. I sometimes talk about people behind their back, but I have always been truthful to what I say.
10. I can be sarcastic to the highest level if I choose to.

Now I am passing this award to:

1. Francesca
2. Cuz Marie
3. Jet
4. Thess
5. Jetty
6. MommyBa
7. KC


The Right Investment

I do remember what my father-in-law said in one of our conversations. I think the reason why he knew so much about it is because he has been constantly monitoring it's price once in his lifetime. It was his business and I remember him telling me that the price of gold will never go down even if all the prices of commodities have gone down already. He even mentioned that if we have plans of investing in case we have extra money to do so, it's wise to always invest in gold. True enough if you check on the price of gold nowadays, we can still say that it is competitive even if our economy is at it's lowest. The price has really never reached rock bottom, rather it has maintained. Now if some of you are interested in investing in coins, gold or silver, monex.com is the website to go to. They have been in the business for some 30 years already and right now they are the world leader in precious metals.


One Day to Go

Friday, March 06, 2009

Just one more day left, tomorrow Saturday. Come Monday kids are already off school. Yeah, summer vacation for them already. Ooopsie, not for Ish though, coz she is not officially off school. Monday will be the start of her college entrance review and it will run until the end of the month. She'll be off Grace the whole of April but half of it will be spent at MSA for the other college entrance review. Poor Ish, quite hectic for the summer. Josh is happy...you already know why. Stress-free as he calls it. He can play video games the whole day. Oh wait, I need to include fitness in his schedule. Good he agreed to use the treadmill everyday, for 30 minutes at least.



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