It Can be Avoided

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I should say it runs in the family. Name it we have it. Haha I'm talking about allergies. That's why I am really very careful so as not to trigger it. I wish all these allergy relief products are available here since it would really be a big help. I will try and look it up if not maybe I can order online or let someone buy it for me and have it shipped. It's hard when kids get sick, so why not prevent it?


He's now 14

Thank you Lord for adding another year to my son's life. I pray that he will continue to love and serve you. I pray that you will grant him good health. I pray that you will help him with his studies. Lord guide him in his everyday life, teach him to be what you want him to be. Lord I pray that I will be able to raise them to be good Christians, always abiding in your will.

I love you my son, and happy birthday.

*a late post for his dec. 15th bday ^_^


Beach Hotspot in Hawaii

Friday, December 04, 2009

I have not been to Hawaii and that's one place I want to visit someday. I heard from a friend that it's really a must see place before someone dies. It must really be a very nice place. There's another friend who frequents Honolulu too, like they do it once a year. They are probably staying in one of these honolulu hotels. You know why? When I saw how affordable the prices are, and that they give out up to 50 percent off, in my mind ah that's where my friend and her family stay. Do check out the rates if I were you, I saw some 40 percent off on a beach hotspot.


Slouchy Meret

I'll be attempting to do this "Meret". It's actually the Mystery Beret thus Meret. I just got done with the scarf and it's ready to be shipped now. I'll do it probably on Monday since the Post Office is closed on weekends. I know we live in the tropics, but my daughter would really want to have a slouchy beret. I made her a beanie already and this time she requested for a beret. I'll post the source of the pattern when I'm already done with it.


My Vacation Spot

Did I ever tell you that I want to retire in a quiet place very near the seashore? If this is really not possible, I would spend a week or two each year in a place where there is a beautiful beach. I would prefer something like this Outer Banks vacations simply because it's homey. It's like home away from home. The property itself is already a vacation spot aside from the fact that it's located a few yards away from the seashore. This is simply heaven, a dream vacation that each of us deserves. At first I was quite hesitant, but seeing their rates I told myself, oh I can afford it after all. It's like rewarding myself with all the hard work I've done.


Get Rid of Belly Fat

I'm so excited...and I just can't hide it! Do you wanna know the reason why? I found the solution on how to burn belly fat. You see that is my biggest problem now. It's actually parallel to gaining weight. I've put on 17 lbs. and I just have a feeling that it all went to my belly. It's really ugly since I got this really huge bump that would make you think that I have just given birth. I've done a few things that would make it smaller, but it does not seem to work. It's probably that I am lazy too. This time I want to be serious already. I started having salad for dinner, hopefully I get to eat it at lunch too.


Belated Present

This beautiful Ice Watch was a belated birthday present from my beloved cousin Marie. I actually demanded it from her. Well that's how she likes it. She wants me to tell her what I really want. I think that's cool. I would do the same and by that I would be pretty sure that my present would be greatly appreciated. Don't worry, I know what to demand and I don't take advantage, it's not in my system. That watch is actually a present for all the occasions that can be found in a single year. Fair enuf? ^_^


Take A Break

There really comes a time in a person's life that he feels like having a break. A tired feeling that you feel like rejuvenating. Taking a break is important, well that's just my humble opinion. It's time to recharge, to rethink and to fix whatever needs to be fixed. Now talking about taking a break, I think I need one. I found this place online which people talk about. It's quite popular probably because it's really nice there. Wondering if you have a place to stay there? It's no problem really since there are affordable myrtle beach vacation rentals. You would be surprised to find that the rates are really affordable, and having a short break is therefore affordable too.


Graduation Present

My daughter's high school graduation is nearing. I am truly positive that she will be marching that's why I can talk about it. Now what is an appropriate present for her? She likes a lot of stuff but I guess she'll have surprised and happy to receive this Gold Initial Pendant. She's been asking me if I can make one for her. I guess graduation will be the perfect time to gift her with that. Now if I have extra moolah, I can probably upgrade it to a diamond initial pendant which I found in the same website where I found the gold one.



I thought I was done playing Farmtown. For a while I have not been playing it. Probably because I found another game and I got hooked once again. Out of curiosity, I checked on Farmtown! Wow a lot of new stuff! You can now even buy the adjacent lot, way too cool, right? Yeah but you gotta have 3M. Is that my target? Not at the moment, I just play to enjoy and to pass up my time. Haha as if I am not busy. There are a lot of stuff waiting to be finish, yeah I am talking to myself, just the perfect reminder.


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