The Rocker Momma

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

 photo valentino_zps5b9c5618.png Woot woot! We are so happy! The husband finally got us a Valentino, us because Patricia (my daughter) and I will share. It's a good thing that we wear the same shoe size. True to what others say, it's really very comfortable especially if you wear the correct shoe size. We are a 36.5 and it really fits well. I can't wait to wear it. Philippine Fashion Week, where art thou?

I am an Elegant Woman

My love for jewellery is back. I am saying this because for a time I was so much into fashion accessories. I've set aside all my jewellery and I'm glad that I am at it now. I guess it goes with borrow my son's line, you have an elegant son(woman) right here. I am not saying that fashion accessories are not elegant because they are, well depends though on your choice of accessory. Anyway, I am so glad I found this gold cross here. I have been in search for a nice one, the perfect size. It's either I have it too small or too big. I also found the perfect cross pendant I have been looking for.

One of a Kind Maxi Skirt

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

 photo saya_zpsc6369826.jpg Weeeeeee! I'm glad I found a dressmaker. She is one of our tenants. I've always wanted to wear maxi skirts but I don't like buying ready made ones because I want mine unique and one of a kind. I even attempted to sew my own because of that reason. Well now I don't have to do it. All I need to do is buy a piece of fabric then have it sewn. Thing is I get it after a month coz we only go to collect rent once a month. I have the option to have it mailed or pick it up, but there is really no need. One month waiting time is not that bad.

Who's That in Pink?

Thursday, July 10, 2014

 photo busad_zps786089a0.jpg The husband got excited when he saw the ad at the back of the bus. He didn't actually expect to see it plying along Espana. Buses are usually seen along Edsa so it was really a surprise seeing it for the first time. That's Patricia our daughter in pink. I know this is a dream come true for her. I have not seen it myself so I will be plying the whole of Edsa in the coming days.

Go Paperless

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! I never imagined how far technology has brought us. Everything is almost paperless now. Well I actually love it. I am talking about this one app, one tap point of care software that is currently in the market. It's real time charting at its best. Saves a lot of time in my opinion too. I know you will agree with me on this. What's nice about it is that it works with Apple's iPod touch, iPhone and iPad. It has a user friendly interface so don't you get scared.

My Alex and Ani Bangle

 photo alexandani_zps022fba4a.jpg I am going to buy that for me and my best friend. I first saw it from my cousin when I went to the US for a vacation. She has started building hers and it's just so pretty. I got my first bangle from my dear classmate from HS and it had my initials. Now I want to build it too. Thing is it's not available here in the Philippines. I wonder if they do international shipping and if ever hopefully it's not much.

One Day

Thursday, February 27, 2014

I was once a part of the music ministry in our church. Yes I was a choir member. I started singing in the choir when I was 12 I think and sang for a good 10 years or so. I kinda miss it when I look back. We made beautiful memories. I just wish we had choir music folders like that. It would have been very nice to look at. That is what I actually see now in the church that I go to especially when it's cantata season. I still actually want to join the church choir but I don't know what's keeping me. Maybe because I live far from the church I go to? I don't really know. I know one day the Lord will convict my heart and I will find my way in the pulpit singing with them.

Keeping Strawberries Fresh for Days

 photo straw_zpsdff8ce3f.jpg They are in season and my daughter just loves it. We just came from Baguio for the Panagbenga 2014 and I was really tempted to bring home quite a lot but something was stopping me. Strawberries rot easily. I bought a kilo coz I wanted to eat, it was fresh when I bought it but had molds the following day. This stopped me from buying a lot. I only brought home like 2 kilos of big ones. On my way home I googled how to keep it fresh and found the solution. Of course I didn't believe it at first until I got home and did it. Yes it's still fresh and not a single mold and colour stayed. Not a single sign that it's rotten. Here's what I did. I soaked it for 10 minutes in 10 cups of water and 1 cup white vinegar after which I placed it in a container with paper towel lining at the bottom.

This is One Control

I wasn't really interested in technical stuff before. I am not saying that I am now but a few things made me aware and I should say quite interested. I often hear terms quite often in conversations and what do I do with it? Google it of course or if I can find someone who is in the know, then I ask. One example I often hear from a friend is this dod sr430qxlr graphic eq. By the word itself yes I am clueless. All I know is that it's music related. Oh it's probably one of those stuff I see in the audio booth or whatever they call that place where audio and video is being controlled by the masters. Yeah I think that's it. I am so glad that I have friends everywhere and that means different interests. I admit I learn a lot from them.

Inspire Me to Cook Once More

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I have not been in our kitchen for quite sometime, meaning I don't really cook that much anymore compared to a few months back. I guess I got a little tired. I need to get inspired once more with my cooking. I think I'll start to learn how to organize my pots and pans. With this I think everyone will be encouraged. Kitchen would be spic and span, it's going to be clean and organised. Yeah, I think that's the best I'd do for now and hopefully I get inspired to cook more again. Time to google some famous recipes, may follow or may tweak along the way. Wow this is exciting!

Zentangle On My Spare Time

 photo zen1_zps337dc1ab.jpeg That is what I do to keep myself relaxed. I find it enjoyable especially when I admire my work. I know I still have a lot to learn, I still have to keep my hand steady with my strokes and all. I'm getting there since I practice every now and then. I just need some creative juice to be able to come up with a pretty design, never mind that I still copy patterns from the net. What I'm after now is how to put them together to look like a beautiful work of art.

Night Out with Friends

Sunday, January 26, 2014

I had a good time last night with my girlfriends. We usually go out every week but not the kind of experience we had last night. We celebrated Belle's birthday first with dinner at Cibo. Why Cibo? Because we first went to the mall to get their share of NB goodness. Yes, they too have converted to NB. Anyway, after dinner we proceeded to Intercon Hotel thinking that there's this music lounge we can go to. Too bad it's now non-existent, my friend has been there eons ago and it closed down, haha. Think quick! Where to? Of course Strumm's. We were lucky that 2 really really good bands were playing that night so we stayed tip 2:30 in the morning. It was still the same setup. The last time I was there was in 2008 and there's not much difference. Still full house every time. You still see those boxes on stage, probably it was a leslie amp. Pardon me but really I'm still not familiar with the stuff I see onstage except for the obvious drums and keyboard. The bands performed well, singing and playing different genre. In heat was still the best in terms of vocal prowess, oh I think even with the overall performance. I just wish that it wouldn't take me another 6 years to be able to visit Strumm's again.

Addicted to New Balance

 photo nb_zps801e9a89.jpg This is my first New Balance running shoes. After I bought this, I can definitely say I am a convert. But this doesn't mean that I will stop buying the brand that I like, it's just that I am loving another brand of running shoes. To date I own 3 pairs already, the 3rd one I have not seen yet coz it's still on it's way here. I bought it online and had it shipped at my sister's place in Philly. It's sailing the sea now I believe. I am already excited in fact I am very excited!

Shopping Here and There

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

I had the best shopping experience during my recent trip to the US. My sisters brought me to the best shopping places. I couldn't get enough of it. I wish I had plenty of moolah so that I can buy everything that I want. There's this store that I usually frequent whenever I go to the malls and it sells Sexy Panties. Oh don't get me wrong but those undies are really nice, not the kind of sexy you have in mind. It's "decent" sexy if you know what I mean. Haha is there even such a thing? To me there is, not all sexy are flimsy. Do you agree with me?

Squat Challenge Update

 photo image_zpsc4ab0f19.jpg Yes I've been religious on my squats and no I can't keep up with the challenge. Loser? Oh no! I did 50 everyday and now I can do 60. Not bad, right? I'm hoping that I can increase it until I reach 100 like Kim K. They say that this is her secret. She does 100 before bedtime. Hhhmmm, shall I do it? Ooopps, I almost forgot, no I don't do it everyday, I take a rest from it every 3 days. Muscles should recover too, you know!

Google Here and There

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Is it really normal that if you don't know anything the first thing you do is "google" it? Is it just me? I am so used to this routine already and I can say that I rely on it too much. It's a good thing I have unlimited data on my mobile and that I didn't have to wait until I get home for some wired internet. Anyway, since I already consider myself as an internet junkie, I usually find anything and everything under the sun whenever I surf. I usually bookmark the page that I feel like it's going to be important for future use, there are also some that are just plain junk. Anyway, for musically inclined people, I usually come across this website. I think they are affordable. I'm not exactly sure since I am not really familiar with it, but if I base it to what I read, then they are. Take a look at this tascam psp520 at Musicians Friend. What do you think of it? I think it's slightly lower when it comes to the price or if not it's competitive.

That's my Paige

 photo mzpaige_zps415e40c7.png I am so lucky to have a friend who spoils me no end. Yes, yes, she gave that to me. She says that that is the brand the "New York Moms" want to be seen using, not just some new york moms but THE New York Moms if you know what I mean. And because I love New York a lot that I want to spend the rest of my life there, then I might as well start living like one haha. Kidding aside I really love it there. If only the husband would allow me, I'm gonna pack my bag and leave right away. Yes, that's how much I want to go back to the US.

My New Collection

Thursday, December 05, 2013

I'm going home in a few days and I feel really sad. I will miss my sisters and friends real bad. I hope I can get to visit them every year but I think that is impossible. Hopefully they get to visit me in the Philippines too. Anyway, I have packed and I have no idea how I have accumulated this items in a month. Now I need to send 2 boxes but it's ok rather than paying too much for excess. You know how it is when they weigh your stuff over at the airport. I think I bought too much home stuff which really occupied space. I wish nothing breaks when I get home, but it's not a problem coz there's this high heat epoxy that I can use. But really I wish nothing like this happens coz I will cry. It's the first time I will be collecting bowls and plates so I am really excited.

Do You Need a Drum Pedal?

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Oh! So this iron cobra is a drum pedal. Based on what I read it's a pretty good product. The son of one of my cousins has a drum set, I wonder if he uses this stuff. Well I might as well tell him about it to take advantage of the price it has right now. The product has gained good reviews and I am about to tell everyone about this product. Hmm on second thought I have yet to see it myself so that I will not be blamed in the end. Hopefully my nephew has used it already so that I have a first hand information about the product.

Learning To Play The Piano

Who among you is interested in music? I think a lot these days are getting into it. Well it's a nice passion rather than being idle and doing nothing. I'm not really into it but I am willing to try. I grew up in a family where music is important. My parents would hire a piano teacher who comes every Saturday to teach all of us. Sometimes it's tiring because I was kid at that time and my only concern was my play time. Anyway I'm glad that I was able to read notes and play the piano. Now what does this have to do with this boss amps? Honestly I don't know too. What I know is that this is used by bands or any musician for that matter. Can someone please tell me how this stuff works? I'd gladly appreciate it.

The 30 Day Squat Challenge

 photo image_zpsc4ab0f1 9.jpg I want to do this squat challenge so bad. I don't know if I can though but I will try. I know it's kinda crazy given that I am no longer young. I wonder how I will do it. Starting with 50 squats is already impossible come to think of it, and day 30 requires 250 squats? What the heck did I get myself into!!! Oh my gosh!!!

Stops the Barking

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Hmmmm! I think I already found the solution to the problem of my friend regarding her neighbor's dog who keep on barking. I know it's really bothersome because when one starts barking, the rest of the dogs within the perimeter bark too. It can get annoying especially when you are resting. If I were my friend, I would suggest this spray bark collar to my neighbor. This might be the solution to their problem too. Now do I even know how this works? Well according to the description in the internet, it will emit a smell when the dog starts barking and that smell is not a welcome treat to them. Great idea, right?

My Antique Shop Experience

Thursday, November 28, 2013

I went to an antique shop and I was amazed with what I saw. I was initially scouting for bowls or plates, the decorative ones but for some reason I ended up looking at the jewelry section. Now I suddenly remember how I love to look up cheap costume jewelry on the net. I am drawn more to that I think or it's just that I didn't see any nice bowls and plates that are for sale. If I did I would have spent more on two of my favorite stuff. How about you? What do you guys collect when you travel?

Off My Bucket List

I have a lot off my bucket list. First, I wanted to experience fall and see all the beautiful colors. There wasn't much left since I arrived past the height of the season but still I am grateful I was able to see it. I had my picture taken under the yellow leaves of the tree. I want you guys to see it but for some reason I can't upload my photo in my photobucket account. I will just attach it when I head back to my country. I was so excited to see it that even from the plane I was looking out the window all the time. It was not pretty up there especially those trees that don't have leaves anymore but nevertheless it's another experience I won't forget.

My Youtube Adventure

Saturday, November 02, 2013

I was on youtube for a couple of hours and guess where it lead me? I know it's a bit cray cray but I want to buy this novation ableton launchpad. I've seen how they use it and I find it interesting, not to mention relaxing too. I want to learn how to use it, who knows I might be able to make my own arrangement of my favourite tune. I think my daughter can also make use of it since she is a dj. Good thing they have one for iPad already.

A Wonderful Product

 photo tressemegold_zpsdecc856e.png This product is really nice. My sister thought I'd like it since I had been ordering a lot of TRESemme products. Anyway I have stopped using it not because it did harm to my hair. It's just that I have keratin treatment and it requires sulfate-free products. I'm not really sure if it's sulfate free so I stopped. I want my keratin treated hair to last a lifetime.

I'm Glad it's Just a Minor Repair

Friday, September 13, 2013

One of our tenants vacated the apartment recently. I think they were able to buy a house already. I'm sad because we're losing them as they pay very well but I am happy at the same time because they have their own house already. It's every family's dream to have a house of their own. We will be making a few minor repairs and I am thinking of using bifen it to get rid of termites if there is any. Speaking of termites, I might use it too here at home. I see some signs so I need to put some so it won't spread, some quick fix you know.

Adult Beginner Ballet at Plana Forma

 photo ScreenShot2013-09-13at64630AM_zps7538fad7.png We had our second sesh last Saturday and I am still loving it. It's fun I tell you. We always associate ballet with kids, I don't blame you because we often see those little cute girls in their tutus during recitals and all. Ballet for adult is more like a fitness thing to me. It helps maintain good posture too, but in my case it teaches me to have good and proper posture. This is the reason why I love doing it. And yeah, talk about grace and poise too!


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